Product Update: October 2021

We recently launched a number of new features including the ability to quickly "repeat expense codes" in the mobile app which reduces the time it takes to code an expense. We also released in-app chat for each expense and in-app affidavits for lost receipts!

Code the next expense by using the "repeat" feature. 

  • When you have multiple expenses for the same job, sometimes it's easier to just have a "repeat", we built one. Just open the expense, click repeat and you're done. If you need to change a line item or two, not to worry, just click that line item and modify.

Chat in-app for any expense.

  • Emailing back-and-forth when you have questions about a certain expense is painful. So, we built a feature that allows you to message your employees directly in-app about any expense. And, the chat history is saved to that specific expense.
  • No more going back-and-forth over email, phone or text to ask questions. (Note: The chat feature works on both mobile and desktop.)

In-app affidavits for lost receipts.

  • Every now and then employees lose a receipt, but you still need verification that the amount was correct and the expense adheres to company policies. Our in-app affidavits solve this problem and use biometric and pin verification.
  • You can even control whether or not it is tuned on for employees.